Tuesday 17 July 2012

Flying things are still very much on my agenda, and towards this end I decided to try out a simple VTOL platform to see how well they run!

Turns out pretty well, but algorithms for working out gyroscopic precession and stabilization got my mind tired. Today I finish the code and do a test. I should be able to get it on video and post possibly tomorrow!

Kinda shoddy I know, but these are just prototypes of prototypes :-D A good excuse!


  1. Keep Trying Mate
    Don't give up

  2. Hi Moses, we would like to feature your Drone vehicle for wildlife conservation in the next issue of Mazingira yetu magazine. The magazine is geared towards Environmental conservation education targeting learning institutions, community libraries, conservancies, policy makers among others. I applaud your effort and people out there need to know about it.
    Email me (mazingira@idealconnect.org) Asante
